Book Cover


Dr. Diane K Corcoran is a health Care consultant specializing in health care technology and Smart card use in health care. She was the director of medical services for a Smart card company after her retirement in 92 from the military Services. She served in the Army Nurse corps for 25 years, starting in Vietnam and ending as the Chief Administration in Frankfurt Army medical center during desert storm. During the 25 years she served in the military she held a variety of positions from staff nurse, to Chief, of Education, Special Consultant to develop the field force, Supervisor and a number of other positions. She served overseas and worked in a variety of different environments, while serving in the US military. She has provided direct patient care, education, consultation, supervision, health care administration, and project management.

Dr. Corcoran has published and presented on a variety of topics related to Near Death Experiences, management and grief. She has lectured for over 20 years on the importance of health care professionals understanding the Near Death experience. In addition, she has lectured on its implication for nursing and other issues such as assisting terminal patients, grief and bereavement, SIDS deaths. and other issues related to death and dying. She has published several articles on the Near-Death experience and the use of Smart cards in health. She continues to counsel people who have NDE's and assists with resources and professional workshops, in the area. Ms. Corcoran is President Emeritus of The International Association of Near Death Studies and serves as the Chairman of the Board for Spiritual Frontiers International. She is active in several professional organizations and is also the Dean of management for a distance learning University.

Diane Corcoran is available to speak on the following topics:
- Near Death experiences, a health care issue
- Near Death Experiences in children
- NDE issues in Healthcare
- Grief and bereavement
- Organizational grief
- Conflict resolution
- Decision making Behavior
- Dealing with difficult people
- Meeting management
- Meyers Briggs and Communication skills
- The use of Smart cards in Healthcare
- Healthcare technology
- Management and health care topics The use of Smart cards in Healthcare